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Sailing Club of Washington

Bylaw changes approved at the 2020 Annual membership meeting

Article ii, section 3, general meetings

Current Bylaw:

Section 3: General Meetings: General Meetings will be held each month unless otherwise decided by the Board.

Change to read:

Section 3: General Membership Meetings: General membership meetings will be held when scheduled by the Board. 

Article iV, section 5, meetings

Current Bylaw:

Section 5. Meetings. The Board may hold meetings at its discretion without notice to the Club membership. However, all members of the Board must be notified at least seven (7) days prior to each meeting of the Board. Any member of the Club may attend a Board meeting as an observer and/or to address the Board regarding Club business. Members wishing to address the Board should advise the Commodore (or other officer presiding over the Club pursuant to Article V) in advance so that they may be placed on the agenda. Any or all of the Directors may participate in a meeting of the Board or any committee thereof by conference telephone or similar communications equipment by means of which all persons participating in the meeting can hear each other.

Change to Read:

Section 5. Meetings. The Board may hold meetings at its discretion without notice to the Club membership. All members of the Board must be given reasonable notification and opportunity to participate in each meeting of the Board. For most purposes “reasonable notification” will be three (3) calendar days. In situations of some urgency, this time limit may be reduced to one (1) calendar day. Any member of the Club may attend a Board meeting as an observer and/or to address the Board regarding Club business. Members wishing to address the Board should advise the Commodore (or other officer presiding over the Club pursuant to Article V) in advance so that they may be placed on the agenda. Any or all of the Directors may participate in a meeting of the Board or any committee thereof by conference telephone, remote meeting software, or similar communications mechanisms by means of which all persons participating in the meeting can hear each other.

Article VII, section 2, Budget

Current Bylaw:

Section 2. Budget. The Board shall approve the annual budget no later than the February Board meeting of each year, and published in the SCOW newsletter no later than April. A mid-year review of the budget shall be held and the budget adjusted accordingly. If the Board fails to enact a budget, the actual operating receipts and expenditures from the prior year shall be the budget. No later than the December Board meeting, the outgoing Board shall prepare a draft budget proposal for the following year, with supporting details relative to proposed income and expenditure items, to be delivered for consideration by the newly elected Board.

Proposed Change:  Add sentence to read -->

Section 2. Budget. The Board shall approve the annual budget no later than the February Board meeting of each year, and published in the SCOW newsletter no later than April. A mid-year review of the budget shall be held and the budget adjusted accordingly. If the Board fails to enact a budget, the actual operating receipts and expenditures from the prior year shall be the budget. No later than the December Board meeting, the outgoing Board shall prepare a draft budget proposal for the following year, with supporting details relative to proposed income and expenditure items, to be delivered for consideration by the newly elected Board.  Establishment of the annual budget, either through Board approval or, by reverting to the prior year in the event of failure by the Board to enact a budget, shall constitute authorization for the responsible person (Board Member, Coordinator or Chairperson, as indicated by the budget as passed by the Board) to expend funds in accordance with the annual budget. Such expenditure shall be within the scope of each responsible person’s area of responsibility and shall not exceed the budgeted amount approved by the board except as described in section 5, below.

Article VII, section 5, General Expenditures

Current Bylaw:

Section 5. General Expenditures. During any calendar month, a Board member, Coordinator or Chairperson may only obligate amounts up to $500 of their approved budget allocation, without further consultation with the Board, so long as it is within the reasonable purposes for which the budget allocation was established. Such obligations shall be reported to the Board at the next Board meeting after the obligation is incurred. Obligations higher than that amount must be approved by a majority vote of the Board. The approval may be obtained by a telephone or email poll of the Board conducted by an officer during which reasonable attempts must be made to contact all Board Members and a majority of the Board Members approve the obligation. Alternatively, such obligation of more than $500 may be ratified at the next Board meeting after the obligation is incurred; however, the individual making the obligation must recognize that some or all of the obligation may not be ratified. Member requests to the Treasurer for reimbursement of expenses must have been authorized in advance by the responsible Board member or Chairperson and be accompanied by appropriate receipts; however, the individual making the obligation must recognize that some or all of the obligation may not be ratified.

Change to read:

Section 5. General Expenditures. Establishment of the annual budget under section 2 of this Article constitutes authorization for the responsible Board member, Coordinator or Chairperson (“responsible person” as defined in Article VII, section 2) to obligate and/or expend funds in accordance with the purpose for which the budget allocation was made and subject to remaining within the total amount allocated in the budget. During any calendar year, a responsible person may not obligate a total amount above their approved budget allocation without further consultation with the Board. Any additional budget allocation in excess of the budgeted amount for the calendar year must be approved in advance by a majority vote of the Board. Such approval may be obtained by a telephone or e-mail poll of the Board or remote meeting such as Zoom, conducted by an officer during which reasonable attempts must be made to contact all Board Members, and a majority of Board Members approve the obligation. If the responsible person does not obtain such approval in advance, that person may request that the obligation be ratified at the next Board meeting after the obligation is incurred. However, the individual requesting such “after the fact” approval must recognize that some or all of the obligation may not be ratified and that the individual will not be reimbursed should that be the case. Member requests to the Treasurer for reimbursement of expenses must have been authorized in advance by the responsible person and be accompanied by appropriate receipts. Absent such approval and supporting documentation, it must be recognized that some or all of the obligation may not be reimbursed.


Sailing Club of Washington  [SCOW]
PO Box 25884  •  Alexandria  •  VA  •  22313

We keep our boats at Washington Sailing Marina on Daingerfield Island
1 Marina Drive  •  Alexandria  •  VA  •  22314

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